Drink WATER for Weight Loss?

Namaskar, Many people who are overweight try fasting different diets or different types of exercises to lose weight today, I am going to talk about how simply drinking water can help you reduce weight. well, so we will discuss how water can help weight loss. how much water to drink, weight loss and herbs infused water that you can try to reduce weight quickly.

1.How water helps in weight loss :

 here are the 3 ways first, drinking water 30 minutes before meal can help fill your stomach, which can lead to a feeling of fullness and reduce the amount of food you consume. second, drinking water can also improve digestion and reduce the risk of constipation, which can contribute to feeling of bloating and discomfort that may lead to overeating third drinking enough water can help keeping you hydrated, which can help regulate your appetite and prevent overeating due to dehydration also, having liquid based food during your meals can also help in weight loss I would give you one easy tip which can prevent you from overeating, drink, buttermilk or soup, or any liquid based food at the start of your meal. 

2.How much water you should drink for weight loss :

This is very important to know how much water you should drink which can accelerate your weight loss I would say you must drink around two liters of water every day, which includes your morning drinks, drink before and during meals and drinks when you feel thirsty. Do not drink water when you are not thirsty, always drink water only when you are thirsty and dry the above quantity of water is also based on individual factors like body weight activity level and overall health however, a general guideline is to drink sufficient water to keep yourself well hydrated,

3.Herb-infused water for weight loss: 

you may Infuse your water with lemon and mint apple cider vinegar or cucumber slices and so today I am going to give you a recipe for two infused water, which can accelerate your weight loss one recipe you can try is ginger infused water. gingerol and shogaols present in ginger have thermogenic effect on body, which can boost your body metabolism To make this, you may need a small piece of fresh ginger root and a litter of water wash and peel the ginger root grate it into small pieces and add it to a pot of boiling water let it sink for about 10

to 15 minutes. strain the ginger infused water and remove the grated Ginger. you can drink this water while it's warm or at a room temperature. The second recipe includes apple cider vinegar acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar helps in increased metabolism leading to more calorie burn To make this start by filling a large glass of water add 1 to 2 tablespoon full of apple cider vinegar to the water and stir well You can sweeten this mixture with a teaspoon full of honey. Some people like to add even a pinch of cinnamon to the flavor and additional health benefits Sip the apple cider vinegar water throughout the day. Either between meals or before meals to help reduce appetite and promote feeling of fullness. so now you know that drinking water is a very simple and very effective way of managing your weight. This is so because water fills your stomach replaces high-calorie beverages improves digestion and helps in hydration. But remember, that water alone is not a magic solution for weight loss and should be combined with other healthy habits, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise. Namaskar