Namaskar Almost everybody likes to eat bread isn't it Why is bread so popular? simply because it is tasty and easily available Today, let us see whether bread is healthy or not. The bread that you buy from stores is generally high in carbohydrates and low in nutrients. Most breads which are commercially available are made with refined and bleached flour such bleached flour is also treated with harmful chemicals such as calcium peroxide and nitrogen dioxide we recommended you to always read the label.Before you buy breads If you find bleached flour in the label then you should definitely avoid it Also, these breads come with added sugar like HFCS, that is high fructose corn syrup, Which can contribute to weight gain All these additives could lead to health risks such as diabetes obesity heart disorders and even cause some allergy So how can you enjoy your favorite food without having these risks? The best way to do this is to make your own bread at home But if you can't make bread at home then try to buy breads which are made of whole grains such as whole wheat whole Rye or whole oats as the main first ingredient Read the label carefully for additives the shorter the ingredient list better it is for you as it will have lesser processed ingredients Here is a very simple and easy healthy bread recipe you will need 4 cups whole wheat bread flour two and a half teaspoon active dry yeast half teaspoon salt and 2 cups warm water To begin, take a large bowl and mix together the flour yeast and salt Then pour in the warm water and knead with your hands until a sticky dough forms cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and let it rest in warm place for 1 hour After 1 hour preheat your oven to 210 degrees Celsius Line a baking tray with a parchment paper or apply a little ghee To the plate to make it non-stick Rub some flour on your hands and transfer the dough to the baking dish Let the dough rest for another 30 minutes Then put it in the preheated oven and bake for 35 to 40 minutes If you want, you may add a little chopped parsley basil or onion powder to the dough while kneading it This bread takes only 2 hours to make and it can be enjoyed as a toast,also and  it can be enjoyed with different soup or sandwiches Try making this bread at home as a recreational activity when you have some time And learn to enjoy some simple and wholesome food Becoming conscious of what and how to eat is a key to good health pushtir astu! May you be nourished! Namaskar